Reading Blake's Designs
Category: Books,New, Used & Rental Textbooks,Humanities
Reading Blake's Designs Details
Review "...crisply written, uniformly intelligent, sometimes combative but never gratuitously aggressive....enormously suggestive and interesting..." Studies in Romanticism"By focusing its attention upon the illustrations that Blake prepared for texts other than his own, this important study of Blake's visual imagination contributes significantly to a full view of his achievement as an artist." Nineteenth-Century Literature Read more Book Description In this innovative study, Christopher Heppner constructs a new assessment and interpretation of William Blake as an illustrator of texts that were not his own. Ranging over topics such as Blake's depiction of human figures, his handling of gesture and perspective, and his relationship with Michelangelo, Heppner considers how they are brought to bear on the 1795 colour prints and the illustrations to Young's Night Thoughts and to the Bible. A large number of illustrations, including colour plates, illuminates this new interpretation of a complex artist. Read more
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