Francis Bacon: Analysis and thematic-stylistic definition of the "figure" element

Category: Books,Arts & Photography

Francis Bacon: Analysis and thematic-stylistic definition of the "figure" element Details

About the Author Teresa Venuta was born in Modena, on the 29th of November, 1989.On March 17, 2012, she graduated with honors in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, in Milano. She's actually attending the postgraduate course of Communication and didactic of art at the Academy of Fine arts in Bologna. Read more


As the saying goes: "Do not judge a book by its cover", indeed! For nowhere is it mentionned that more than half of it is in Italian and that the translation of the remains is nothing but. Judge for yourself, this pearl from the introduction (p. 3): "The decision of indeep the work of Francis Bacon throught these pages borns from the will of investigating "why" this artist, lonely in his work and without any purpose of breaking into the art world, have had such a great influence on society, at that time such as nowadays." Or this, from pages 52-53: "Increasing his experience, also Bacon's ability of controlling his personal and the picture's balancce and, consequently, the artist became abler and abler to "finish" the picture." The author is Theresa Venuta. The english translation was done by: Sara Stanzani and Laura Venuta. It seems nobody knows what's going on here, neither the Milan Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, who approved it, nor the LAP Lambert Academic Publishing co. who published it. And, most probably not (let us hope), the thesis supervisor, prof Maria Christina Galli. Unfortunately, there is no possibility of rating this less than one star. At$63.00 + shiping, this is a rip-off.

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