Dreaming of Michelangelo: Jewish Variations on a Modern Theme
Category: Kindle Store,Kindle eBooks,Literature & Fiction
Dreaming of Michelangelo: Jewish Variations on a Modern Theme Details
Dreaming of Michelangelo is the first book-length study to explore the intellectual and cultural affinities between modern Judaism and the life and work of Michelangelo Buonarroti. It argues that Jewish intellectuals found themselves in the image of Michelangelo as an "unrequited lover" whose work expressed loneliness and a longing for humanity's response. The modern Jewish imagination thus became consciously idolatrous. Writers brought to life—literally—Michelangelo's sculptures, seeing in them their own worldly and emotional struggles. The Moses statue in particular became an archetype of Jewish liberation politics as well as a central focus of Jewish aesthetics. And such affinities extended beyond sculpture: Jewish visitors to the Sistine Chapel reinterpreted the ceiling as a manifesto of prophetic socialism, devoid of its Christian elements. According to Biemann, the phenomenon of Jewish self-recognition in Michelangelo's work offered an alternative to the failed promises of the German enlightenment. Through this unexpected discovery, he rethinks German Jewish history and its connections to Italy, the Mediterranean, and the art of the Renaissance.
- Notizie storiche del David del Piazzale Michelangelo e cenni biografici del Cav. Prof. Clemente Papi 1875 [Leather Bound]
- MichelAngelo
- Michelangelo
- Michelangelo in Roma
- Michelangelo, Vittoria Colonna e gli "spirituali": Religiosità e vita artistica a Roma negli anni Quaranta (Italian Edition)
- As Shadows to the Sun
- Chikashitsu no Michelangelo (Japanese Edition)
- La Bibliografia Di Michelangelo Buonarroti E Gli Incisori Delle Sue Opere (Classic Reprint) (Italian Edition)
- Michelangelo: Sein Leben in Geschichte und Kultur seiner Zeit, der Blütezeit der Kunst in Florenz und Rom (German Edition)
- Formelle Und Inhaltliche Analyse Des Werkes David Von Michelangelo (German Edition)
This is for dreaming if you like dreaming. Having not read it all yet, i'll leave it at that.